i think my tagboard has some problem with it, right?
Anybody encounter problems with it?
I can't seem to post my replies. ):
Sooooo, I'll reply here!
Yanrong& Uncle Donavan: Hahahahas,
i thought it was moooncake festival
or sth man. Whoops! :x
Heyyy: Mailed you! (:
Loo: You can get some of the mask i always use from this spree!
The collagen one is reaaaaally good,
Like th rose &lotus mask too.
Even compared to the expensive masks i use.
This is damn cheap &good luh.
So use everyday also won't heart pain. Heh.
Passerby: Hahahas, yeah.
One of my all-time favourites!
Lobang? I get my assignments thru afew friends thou.
NC: Hey baby, So sorry it's sold out!
Elaine: Hahahahas. Print screen,
Open paint, Ctrl V, Save image! (:
Bernie: Hahahas, Next week darling,
Down for duty for urshering this week! (:
Tania: Hey baby, Go for class on tuesday uh!
Hangout tgt after class. :D
Someone You Know 02: HAHAAHHAS! 02 somemore,
You think you're banana in pajamas is it darling yq! -.-
I'll dare you back! Hehe.
I'm listening to Cosa Hai Messo Nel Caffè - Lisa Ono now.
I went t watch The Nannies Daries yesterday with my boy.
It was hmmm, alright luh.
And i've a new wishlist!
- Ipod Nano Video
- Agnes B Wallet
Th other day i went shopping for new pillows with my boy,
Cos he bought a couple pillowcase for us
for our 3rd year anniversary. :x
And we bought this cute pillow with a scented centre,
Cos they ran out of lavender ones,
so we took crysantamum.
Smells pretty nice anyway, really sweet smelling.

We were out shopping ytd,
Like, It's thousand years since i went out shopping with my boy!
we're always so laaazy, watching Tv/Dvd at home.
Making music &i'll read a book in bed.
You know, Just lazing arnd.
So we got our butts up and went out ytd! :D
But it didn't start out very well,
I wanted t have Carl's Jr but the movie was starting
and my guess bag wasn't big enough to stuff
two Carl's Jr meal in there, obviously!
So i dragged him to Giodano and we bought 2 plain white tees!
HAHAHAS, And i was like telling the guy at the counter,
"I want the biggest bag please, Biggest one."
And we bought two tees so
we could sneak our Carl's Jr into the cinema! :x
After the movie we went t Carrefour
cos i wanted t grab some pomegrante juice
but tried the new Yakult Collagen drink instead!
I really like the rose flavoured one!
The lavender taste a bit weird thou.
But sometimes t think we can't go out &shop all the time either,
We'll seriously just spend spend spend money.
Yesterday alone, i spend arnd 80bucks &he spent like 100over.
And i wanted t go to the restaurant, Indulgez.
You know, the one xiaxue advertisted for?
But in the end we had yummy thai food in Far East anw,
Not that i'm complaining, I love thai food! :D

We went to Music Junction, MJ @ Plaza Singapura,
and found that they actually carry the CD
that my boy had a song he composed &sang.
It's this ARC challenge blah blah cd.
Give your support, darlings! (:
And we went t comic connection,
I hate it when he drags me into shops i don't like t go!
Esp game shops! Tsk.
And i'm serious abt the dragging part,
Like i saw the shop, and i saw it coming,
turned my back to the direction of the shop,
And he just grab me and drag my into the shop anyways! -.-
What the heeeeeell.
But i found sth kinda interesting in there anw,
It's this DIY design tee with rhinstone and studs thingy.

His heart looks so buang!
& my "L" is like so croooked.

Anyway, I'm selling this brand new dress!
Bought it arnd 33plus postage,
And i'm selling it off at 27Bucks.
Only one available, Mail/msn me
@ Fidelis_frenz4life@hotmail.com! (:
Love y'all, Tag please! :D